Can You Acquire Auto Insurance with a Suspended License?
Getting auto insurance with a suspended license can sometimes prove to be a hectic task. Most insurance companies are usually not willing to insure drivers who have issues with their driving.
Circumstances that can lead to License suspension
• If you drive recklessly or over, speed excessively.
• Failing to respond to traffic court summons.
• Leaving the scene of an accident
• Refusing to take alcohol tests
• Driving under the influence (DUI).
• Accumulating points such as tickets or unpaid fines. Up to 11 points in 18 months result in license suspension.
• Driving before acquiring your license
• Failing the regular vision exam
• Getting a physical impairment such as; deafness
How can license suspension affect your car insurance?
In most cases, your insurance company will cut you off from being their customer after suspension of your license. If this does not happen to you, you should consider yourself to be lucky. However, you will be switched to a high-risk policy. Shifting to a high-risk plan drastically increases your premium policy since the rates increases. The benefits you get from your insurance provider also reduces compared to the ones you enjoy at the standard level. Among the benefits that you are locked out from includes bonuses and discounts.
How to get auto insurance with a suspended license
Getting an easy to afford insurance cover once your license has been suspended could at times prove to be a very tiresome task. However, steps you can follow to make the process appear simpler are:
1. Shop extensively
By shopping around, you get a chance to compare different terms quoted by various insurers. You should take this opportunity to ensure you acquire nothing but the best terms.
2. Opt for a less expensive car
Using a cheaper car leads to lower premium charges. This helps you to pay lower premiums for the high-risk insurance plan.
3. Contact your present car insurer
Ensure you communicate to your car insurer to and give them the information about license suspension. Tell them the date the suspension will be lifted too. This helps since they consider you in getting a low premium policy.
4. Check eligibility for discounts
To lower your car insurance premium rate lowered after license suspension is checking if you can get discounts on the policy. Also, ensure you take defensive driving course since it helps you in getting the discount.
Other means of which one can have auto insurance with a suspended license is using other drivers such as your next of kin. This way, you continue to enjoy the insurance cover although you don’t drive.…